Howard Gardner’s Theory of Multiple Intelligences

Santiago Martinez
3 min readMar 8, 2021

Maybe you belong to the portion of the people who have no idea about who this guy was and what he refers to with the multiple intelligence concept? Well, this post will be discussed the importance of this subject and his influence on pedagogy with his theory. To begin, H. Gardner is a psychologist and Harvard professor who reacts to the concept of intelligence, in which he defends that it cannot be defined as a fixed and determined set of specific capabilities; in other words, unique capabilities that someone has and others don’t. Garner understands intelligence as multiple nets of abilities that behave differently depending on the person.

According to Gardner’s point of view, there are (3) specific factors that influence the development of the abilities, such as Life (personal, cultural, gens.) Creative (inventions, creations, ideas.) and Values (behavior, relation with others, coexistence.) For that reason, the author highlights that there is no reason to say someone is intelligent or not; the difference remains in the potential and development.

Consequently, there are a lot of different problems and necessities on a daily basis that there shall exist a specific type of intelligence to solve each problem. According to his hypothesis, each type of intelligence is classified by its area of use.

Gardner’s categorization


This category is highlighted to people who can well-develop verbal skills and also who are sensitive to the sounds, meanings, and rhythms of words. An example of this could be coaches, musicians, poets.


This intelligence relates more to the ability to think conceptually and abstractly, plus these people have a crazy capacity to discern logical and numerical patterns. For instance, mathematicians, accountants, cashiers, professors.


In this area, the ones who belong in the category have the capacity to think in images and pictures, to visualize accurately and abstractly the things that they portrait in their minds. People who are more akin to this category could be artists, painters, sculptors, designers.


This type of intelligence refers more to ones that have the ability to control one’s body movements and to handle objects skillfully. An example could be gamers or typists who develop game typing skills.


Different from the first one mentioned above, people from this area expand more the ability to produce and appreciate rhythm, pitch, and timber. In this case, it is possible to cover more professions in the music industry like percussionists, singers, music engineers, composers.


Now it is time to mention those who have the capacity to detect and respond appropriately to the moods, motivations, and desires of others. These types of intelligence respond more to people who love to help and care about others externally. For instance, we can remark on people who sit in the role of professors, tutors, therapists, social workers, trainers who always try to empathize with others.


In this field, people who have this type of intelligence tend to have the capacity to be self-aware and in tune with inner feelings, values, beliefs, and thinking processes. In other words, people who develop this type of intelligence tend to become psychologists, therapists, psychiatrists, podcasters.


The ones who love nature and love + have a strong connection with all that has to be with biodiversity. People who belong to this section have the ability to recognize and categorize plants, animals, and other objects in nature. In other terms, it is time to welcome biologists, veterinarians, environmental engineers.


Understanding hidden concepts or debating a lot could be the characteristics of people who develop this type of intelligence. They are well known to have a sensitivity and capacity to tackle deep questions about human existences like debating the meaning of life or existence. Professions like writers, researchers, translators, philosophers.

Now that we have understood the real meaning of Garner’s theory about the intelligence concept, in which each person according to the social and spatial influences can develop specific parameters of intelligence; maximizing other qualities than others. It is time for you Mr. or Mrs. reader to evaluate yourself and answer which categories you belong to?



Santiago Martinez